Sunday, January 3, 2021

This color looks and feels very much like 'not taking any bullshit'. Like you just want to get down to business and have the 'real deal'. Get the real, raw information of what you're really working with and what's really going on. You don't need things to be sugar-coated in any way and you're looking for the pure functional and operational, in terms of what physical reality purely consist of. No feelings and emotions are needed. You're ready to get hands-on and real and practical and cut through the bullshit. You don't want things to be any more than what they need to be. Which is kind of cool.

But within that, there's also an anger towards things that you do consider to be 'bullshit'. An anger and an annoyance at basically not understanding why people tend to indulge in things that don't matter and why people can't just be practical and keep things simple. You've never been that way so it's been kind of hard for you to really grasp why people choose to be like that. If things were more simple then there'd also be more of a freedom. A freedom to express yourself. Cause you wouldn't need to worry about 'social rules' , as just all the ways that people tend to make things complicated. If things were more simple, there'd be more of a trust, because nothing would be any more than what it seems. And you just want that freedom and that trust for yourself. The knowing that you can express who you are and that you don't have to worry about considering or taking into account things that aren't actually part of simple, practical, physical reality. 

So have a look at these words: 'freedom' and 'trust'. Look at how and why do you feel you are not free. What's all the thoughts and the experiences in you that are causing you to feel trapped, hindered or held back in your ability to express yourself? Or, what are the reasons why you feel like you can't really trust your reality? These are things that exist within you as points wherein you hold yourself back, and so points that are worth looking into. So that you can support yourself to learn to express yourself. So that there's also no longer an annoyance and anger towards people. You just need some understanding of this particular programming within you, so that you can start to truly embody this amazing life expression that exists in and as you. The life expression of 'no bullshit!', of valuing only what matters, and of standing one and equal with the purely real and practical reality of the physical.

This color feels very 'free'. The kind of freedom that you're looking for, and that you feel does not and cannot exist in this world. A freedom of being absolutely you and not compromising yourself in any way. Not having to doubt yourself in any way. Not having to think and not having to listen to or consider what somebody else thinks. It seems that in this world you can't ever truly be yourself without running into some obstacle at some point. Without having to compromise your expression somehow. 

So it's interesting because this color is showing how this expression of freedom already exists within you. It is already who you are. It's just been 'imprisoned' in your mind within all sorts of beliefs related to why this world would apparently not accept such freedom of expression, and why you thus cannot be who you really are. When really it's you stopping yourself inside your own mind, with your own thoughts. So it's you who can also set yourself free. If you can stop the doubt. If you can take responsibility for the freedom within you and realize that you'll always only experience as much freedom as you grant yourself. So it'd be interesting to look into how you might be 'choosing' to not allow yourself the freedom to express yourself. How you prefer to be restricted. And how you've even convinced yourself that you do express yourself freely, and created a personality out of it. But it's in a way a compensation, not a real freedom. It's more a feeling and a belief in your mind. Whereas, the real you is not defined within a thought. You have to find the ways you've turned this 'freedom of expression' into a personality. You want to basically understand how your mind works, in terms of taking a real expression of you and turning it into a personality, where you're not actually living this expression, but more just telling yourself that you are, while suppressing all the ways in which you've actually 'cornered' yourself in. 

So it's to just start becoming aware of how you really feel inside, underneath the things you believe about yourself, and start cultivating an awareness of how your mind works. There are tools if you haven't started already, like DIP Lite, DIP Pro, that teach you the basics of self-investigation. Because, there is in a way still a 'veil' there that's keeping you from seeing what's reality going on inside you. That's keeping you from seeing for example these things that these colors are showing you. So if this particular color doesn't quite make sense at this time, don't worry about it. It's cause it's what's on the deeper layers of yourself, and it's something that you will be assisting and supporting yourself to see for yourself through using the tools. 

This is a color of kind of wanting to keep things the same. Not really wanting to change or necessarily dig or look into things. It's a point of 'stagnation', and of 'comfortability'. Of 'I'd rather just keep things the way they are now so that I don't need to face or go through anything uncomfortable'. So, this is just indicating that there are specific points within you that you are in fear of. Things you believe are 'bad' and so something you wouldn't want to see. Things you'd rather protect yourself from by just making sure that you don't really scratch the surface of yourself.

So the thing is, that it's important to understand that there is nothing within you in fact that is in any way 'bad'. It's more a sort of sabotaging mechanism that the mind uses to make sure that you do not venture into self-investigation. It's a layer to 'scare you off' so you'll never know who you really are. And so you're in a way fooled into believing that to not investigate yourself is to be 'comfortable'. When really, you're actually stuck in fear of yourself, which is not what comfort really is or should be. Real comfort isn't to 'be protected from fear'. It is to be able to relax, knowing that there is nothing to fear in the first place.

So this color is just showing to be aware of this 'illusion' within you. Whenever you see a resistance come up to looking deeper into yourself, to realize that it's not real. It's this illusion of your mind making you believe that whatever you may find if you look deeper is going to be 'bad'. When, you'll actually find that it's the reverse. It'll be more like a 'coming home', and something quite supportive. And, a first thing to investigate might be this point of believing you'll find something 'bad' if you were to look inside. What is it that you believe might be so bad? What is it in other words that you might be judging about yourself? And where is the judgment coming from? It's important to investigate and question all things, so you can get to what is real. And judgment isn't real. It is again a mechanism of the mind to somehow sabotage your understanding of yourself. So I'd say, start assisting and supporting yourself with writing to start looking into how you feel and to start opening up and see more of yourself than you're currently aware of. So you can transcend this resistance and this false comfortability that actually just cause you to stagnate, and never be truly comfortable and free. And so you can see and realize that there is so much more to who you are that is yet to be understood.

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