Wednesday, October 14, 2020


This is your 'light in the darkness' color. The thing that is going to support you with what you're facing. Your self-honesty. You're ability to 'be real' with yourself and keep a clear head. The ability to see things from a sober perspective and see things without telling yourself stories about reality. To see the things that are maybe not easy to see or consider, but that are necessary to see/consider because they'll point you to see what the best direction would be. It's your ability to be honest about what's really going on within reality and not have rose-colored glasses on. You want to really see the pure, brutal, honest reality behind every possible option or decision you're consider.

Bring yourself to the most 'negative' point in a way. Meaning, to remove all desires or expectations or demands. And clear yourself of all energy. There should be no emotions or feelings involved when looking at decisions. There should be no 'you' involved. It should be a decision based purely on common sense and reason and shouldn't be about 'how you feel'. The thing about feelings is that they can't be trusted, because they fluctuate from one moment to the next. They make you 'change your mind'. And you don't want that when it comes to making decisions. You want to be able to stand one hundred percent with your decisions. 

So have a look at where you may not be seeing the full 'truth' of reality. Where you're not seeing things clearly and where you could support yourself more with understanding everything involved with either decision. Basically you want to do some more 'groundwork'. More 'figuring things out' and walking a process of understanding the nitty-gritty of what's going on, and 'aligning' yourself with reality. Decisions will become more clear the more you see of reality. So, empower yourself with knowledge and information, to see and understand reality thoroughly and fully, so you can see what will work best for you and what won't.

This is the color of 'live a little' lol. Not taking your decisions so seriously. In a way that's a bit contradictory to the previous color, but you can do both. Relaxing a little bit and realizing that things aren't that serious. That yes you can do research and do your 'due diligence' Ruth regards to understanding reality, but also realize that at the end of the day, whatever decision you end up making is fine because you'll be with you. So it's alright, you can enjoy and live a little and not take things so seriously. It's ok to just enjoy your life and the decisions you make. Don't need to necessarily 'break your head'. You have this tendency to spend a lot of time in your head when it comes to 'life', and your direction and purpose and whether it's all what it should be.

So there's too much worry and not enough enjoyment. Too much thinking and not enough appreciating the small moments of life. And realizing that you don't control life. Even if you make the 'best' decision, life will still play out and happen the way it wants to, and you have no control over that. There has to be a measure of 'letting go' within you, and being ok with whatever life has in store for you. Dropping that belief or idea that you must be in control of it all. Cause you're simply not. You can control things up to a point, in terms of deciding which direction to go into. But that's where it ends. You cannot control where life takes you after that point, or what life has planned for you, based on what you still need to face and learn. Things you don't, and can't, yet know. So ease up on yourself a little, and allow yourself to live a little. And accept that there's things you can't control or have power over, no matter how hard you tried.

What that means is that you have to be ok with 'failure', with making the 'wrong decision', with doing something 'bad'. To shake up your hair a bit and be a little wild and crazy, rather than holding on so rigorously and tightly, trying to get things to go 'your way'. One of the biggest challenges in life is how to 'let go'. So you might as well start now. Learning to let go. Learning to be ok with whatever happens learning to let go of 'good' and 'bad', or the idea that there is such a thing as good decisions and bad decisions. And learn to move with the flow of life. Listening more to your heart, than to worry. And tuning in more to your 'inner voice' and what it has to say. Your 'self-honesty'. Where there exists no such thing as good and bad, and you see things more clearly. You see more in terms of what aligns with you and your decisions more form a natural part of you being yourself. Where you don't think so much but more just listen to yourself and trust yourself in 'where your heart takes you'.

But it takes quite a process to cultivate such a trust in yourself, so for right now maybe just learn to relax a little around your decisions, and not take things so seriously. And ease up those reigns a little, try to not control everything so much. Breathe lol, and trust that you'll be alright no matter what.

Gotta learn how to let things be and grow. Gotta find the 'green thumb' within you, in terms of your ability to nurture and support and wait and be patient while something is busy growing and developing. You're very 'impatient'. And you tend to jump on things with great haste, and you don't realize that things don't work that way in physical reality. Things are more slower moving and they take a lot of time, and you can't be rushed.

What that means for you is that you need to also pace yourself and not be such a whirlwind of energy, smothering your reality with your impatience and expectations for things to happen. That is not how things grow and it's not how you get results. You need to learn or realize that you're not the master of reality, until you've mastered the basics of what it means to care for reality. Being patience, solemnness, unconditionality and the willingness to give unconditionally. You're not very good at those things, because you expect too much. There's too much that you 'want' from your reality. And your reality is just not in a capacity to give all of what you're wanting. So you need to temper that down a bit. And don't expect things to be and go always according to plan, basically. They won't. And if anything, your expectation that it will, is just going to create a lot of friction. Friction that you don't need. So drop the plans. And learn to be 'unconditional'.

What that means, is that you're not going to get what you want. And to be ok with that. In fact you'll have to embrace it and recognize that reality has a mind of its own and will not be owned by you or anyone. It's a form of respect for what is here, for reality, not to have any expectations and not to have 'wants'. To humble yourself and be open to what life decides will be your fate. Not to say you can't make decisions lol, but make them in honor of life. So just whatever you do, make sure you are honoring life in and as you. 

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