Monday, September 14, 2020

This color is like a 'careful opening up' of something within you. Something 'peeking through', but very carefully and cautiously. A sort of 'potential' of something that could be, if you were to nurture it more. The potential of the Laura that you could be if you got through some points first. If you specifically got through this point inside you of thinking that you've got it all figured out. Thinking you're on top of the world and no one can touch you. That the rules or laws of reality don't apply to you in a way. That your life will turn out to be different, even though you do share the same reality with everyone else.

But don't panic. This is just sort of the mind. It's how everybody's mind works and thinks. You're just at a point where it's not serving you anymore, and you may be ready to let it go. Ready to start seeing reality as it applies equally to all of us. A reality that's maybe a bit more uncomfortable to face, at first at least, but at least it's REAL. And at least you get to be part of something real. But it all depends on if you're 'willing' to break through the illusion. Cause right now, this color is sort of 'in limbo'. It's a bit of an 'in-between' color. Could still go either way. BUT at least it is a potential! That means you have the possibility and the capability, as long as you do what it takes.

No more waiting around, waiting for things to come to you. Muhammad must go to the mountain. You must push yourself forward. Push past your barriers and resistance. And stop listening to your mind. Start questioning your mind, and your experiences. Start applying the tools. And don't just accept any experience or thought as 'you'. If you want to break through your 'shell', you'll have to go all the way. Taking nothing for granted. Cause the mind sort of thrives on the things we take for granted. The things we don't question, but all too easily accept.

So it's to choose to walk the 'tough' road. The difficult path. The one full of resistance. To do what you've been reluctant to do, and have been prolonging and postponing to do. And so you've come full circle. Back to the decision, of will you or won't you. Cause it's the only decision to make. There's not really an alternative. There's no short-cuts or back-doors, and no different way of doing it. There's only one path, and we all must walk it.

So yes, a bit of a tougher message. But a point to realize for you right now. That there's only one way through, and you know the way. Just gotta sort of put one foot in front of the other. And maybe don't look at the 'journey' as much as just taking that step. The journey always seems daunting and 'too long'  and 'too difficult'. But if you focus on just that one step, that's something you can do. That's within your realm of capability. The step you can take right here and now. The small action you can take in this moment. Focus on the small. The attainable. The right here and now. That which is going to ground you into reality, and connect you with your potential. That which will then show you the next step to take, and so on and so forth.

If you focus on the big, you end up getting lost. And I think you know you've gotten a little bit lost. So don't despair. Breathe, and ask yourself 'where can I start?'. What is one simple step that I can take right now? And get into that physical process of just putting one foot in front of the other. Humbling yourself in a way to work only with what you're actually physically capable of working with. And stop confusing and overwhelming yourself in your mind by making things too big and too daunting to in any way work with. You want to take it really slow, and easy, and give yourself space, and be patient with yourself. As though you are literally like a baby who is learning how to walk. Putting all your focus in just this one step that you're taking right here in this moment. And quieting your mind that's gonna try and butt in with 'oh but look at all these other steps you still need to take!'. What you need is tranquility, so you can focus on what matters. And do the simple tasks that are required in the moment. To master simplicity, you can't be listening to your mind. All you need is breath to center yourself, and start moving.

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