Monday, September 14, 2020

 The color that stood out for you is this light grey. Below is your reading for this color 😊



You're waiting for the right words to be said to you. Words that will break down your 'inner wall'. It's as though you stand guard by this wall waiting for the 'right person' who will say the 'right words' that will melt that wall. Sort of going, 'only he who is worthy and pure of heart may have access to the riches that lie beyond this wall!'. Like waiting for your prince in a way, or your knight. He who is deserving of the 'keys to the castle'. Someone of true spirit and heart who may prove their merit. Until then, your walls remain firmly up.

But you're growing kind of tired in a way, of keeping those walls up. Because it takes a lot of effort. It's like a constant decision you have to make to not let anybody in. To maintain that 'honor' of 'only he who is worthy may enter!'. And to sort of play that game, of being the princess up in her tower, patiently awaiting her prince. But you're afraid also that if you 'let go', anybody can just sort of trample their way in. You're afraid that your inner you won't get treated with the respect it deserves. And that anybody could think they can just do whatever they want. And treat you in a way that is dishonorable. Cause you figure, if you don't look out for you, no one will. As a girl you need to have respect for yourself, otherwise no one else will have respect for you.

And you've been doing that for yourself throughout your life. But it takes so much out of you. To sort of 'watch your back' all the time. To never really be able to relax and not worry. To always be 'on guard'. At the end of the day you kind of just want to give up on the whole thing, and say 'screw the princess and the castle'. You want to be able to be more like the prince. Just roaming around, going everywhere he pleases. Not a care in the world. Just going from castle to castle, 'sowing his oats'. Super relaxed. I mean why should you be this 'princess', all boarded up behind all these walls, that you have to maintain yourself at that?! Just doesn't seem fair.

So why do it? I'm sure your mind will tell you, 'because I have to!'. But do you really though? Sometimes things aren't what they seem. But we're just so used to doing things this way that the possibility that it could be different eludes us. That we're not even able to imagine anything else. And are only seeing as far as meets the eye basically. Sort of just staring at this wall you've built up inside you and thinking that that's all there is to your existence. And accepting that that's all it'll ever be. 

Even though it doesn't have to be. There's alternatives. Just gotta look for them, and allow yourself to see them. So, why haven't you been looking for them? What's still tying you to this way of living? What's the 'value' you are believing it's still giving you? Or, what do you believe you will 'lose' if you let go of it? Those are the questions you should be asking yourself, if you want to really set yourself free. Look at it more as something you are 'holding onto' for some reason, rather than something that's got you trapped somehow. So you just need to pinpoint what that reason is. Cause once you have the reason, it's easier to let it go. It's easier to support yourself to see things differently. It's sort of a process of understanding yourself better. And through understanding, you can start breaking down that wall brick by brick. And start taking back your directive power, to live in a way that actually more supports you. Rather than being tired out and exhausted just trying to do what you THINK and BELIEVE is best for you.


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