Wednesday, June 23, 2021


This color came up  as this orange/yellow gradient with the orange color becoming a bit lighter towards the center. As you can tell it is a very ‘warm’ color. But not just that, there is a very specific expression in this color and that expression is ‘acceptance’, stillness, quiet. Everything being still, nothing moving.  An eternal peace and quiet. Being absolutely settled within yourself, at peace, accepting, absolutely certain about your ‘destiny’ and the course that you’re on. The yellow center representing the ‘sun’ that you are to yourself, nurturing yourself like the sun nurtures life. Being your own point of reference, affirmation, confidence, decision and direction. This is a seed that is busy growing and solidifying  inside you, to become the/a sun onto yourself. Your own person. For the first time in your life not looking towards others, not being influenced by others, when it comes to you and your thoughts and what goes on inside of you – and thoroughly enjoying that space where you don’t have to answer to anyone. Where no one can question your confidence or your motives and you have no one telling you you’re wrong or right. You make the rules and you decide everything about who you are and what your destiny is.

But within this, there is sort of an ‘enemy’. Your insecurities. Especially the ones that are more hidden. They’re the ones that are sort of undermining you, because they come from deep within you in places that are still a bit ‘blurry’ to you. The hidden places of the past and the things not understood about it. They’re the things that still ‘creep up on you’ and ‘catch you off guard’.  The things that are still able to rock your stability. They’re a bit of a blind spot in you, and therefore have power over you. And I see that standing between you and this seed/expression you’re busy cultivating.  The things within yourself you’re not familiar with and therefore come up as ‘insecurities’. The things you’re also in a way neglecting to look at, because you’re a bit too busy focusing on the ‘creation-point’ of and as this sun as you. There’s currently not an equal attention given to  the process of also looking at who you were and have been, and still actually are. There is a bit of an ‘over-eagerness’ to step right into the creation point that you can see so clearly as your potential, and a bit of an ignoring or a neglect of what is actually going on.

Seems like this is somewhat stimulated by your personality of being an ’athlete’, wherein you are in a way set up to just ‘go for it’, barreling forward towards the ‘achievement’ and the obtainment  of the end-prize and the ultimate result of what the game is all about. You don’t waste time looking back or lingering over details or specific/fine stuff that in your eyes doesn’t really matter anyways. The athlete more ‘powers through’, skipping over and minimizing as much of the ‘small stuff’ as possible to get to the end faster, basically. And this can work for you, but in this case it is working against you a little bit, as you’re foregoing and moving too fast past things you ought to actually be looking at. Things that will support you to understand the insecurities better. Things like your past in general basically, and especially the events in your life that  would have been triggering to the insecurities, and that contributed to you creating a personality of insecurity within you.

 You're getting a little bit ahead of yourself with your creation process with this point. So it's to just temper your pace just a little bit so you can take everything into consideration, so that you know you haven't missed anything, so that there's no holes, no points taken for granted. Cause this insecurity point is the only thing that's standing in your way. And it's been your point of frustration -something that keeps 'weakening' you - cause it pops up seemingly out of nowhere.  And it's frustrating because it's like, this seed/expression is so close, it's right at your fingertips, and a part of you feels like you're already there and like you shouldn't have to look at any points. But, it's exactly because you don't want to, that it's something you should look at. 

So you need to have a look at, what's holding you back. What are these pesky insecurities gnawing at your feet? What's still got you by the balls in terms of fears and insecurity, and is still underhandedly undermining you, and where is it coming from? Cause this point isn't going to go away unless you're able to identify and pinpoint it. Because there's actually an interesting polarity, with a positive and a negative, going on within you - the insecurities being the negative. While the positive is this point of 'taking things for granted'. Or rather, you're sort of used to things being 'easy' for you that you don't tend to 'sweat the small stuff'. Like, you're very confident actually in terms of getting things done and 'performance'-wise, and that's just a dimension to look at because it's simultaneously contributing to this insecurity within you. That things are so easy for you but it cause you to take things for granted. It's kind of a subtle dimension but you know, it's what you need to look at here lol. And it's kind of tricky too cause it like hides the insecurity on another level so it's all actually a very interesting design. But that is what's coming up with this color/expression. That, even though it might all sound maybe a little bit confusing, you have to look at this. And that's all the access I seem to get to it personally. Looks like the rest is up to you ️. So but do let me know if you need any extra perspective on any of this and I'll be more than happy to help out. But I'm sure you'll know what to do with this information 🤗. Ok Lady, over and out!

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